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our heroes.....

our heroes.....
.... and GOOD riddance!!

time to CLEAN HOUSE!!

time to CLEAN HOUSE!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Like OMG, your stupid....

(be SURE to read the last line.... LOL)

Like, OMG, You’re Stupid
(I’m a desk assistant at a college dorm. One day,
these two giggly freshman girls come up to me.)
Girl #1: “Ummm… can we, like, borrow your phonebook?”
Me: “Sure thing.”
Girl #1: *flips through the book, looking completely
Me: “Need help finding something?”
Girl #2: *whispers* “Jason’s is under ‘J’.”
Girl #1: *whispers back* “I know, but sometimes I
forget the alphabet…”
Girl #2: “OmiGAWD me too!” *giggle giggle*
(I grab the phonebook and look up their listing.)
Me: “Here–Jason’s.”
Girl #1: “Oh my GAWD thank you! They should really
have a college course for, like, phone books!
I’m not from this town, so, ya know.....

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